Group Homes
Our Choice Human Services strives to provide a welcoming environment, where our members can achieve a more independent lifestyle while still having a helping hand. Members are encouraged to maintain their cultural diversity and background while making bonds within their chosen community. Our Choice Human Services accommodates our members’ needs by providing support which includes but is not limited to Case Management, Medication Management, Behavior Management, Community Integration of the members’ choosing, Structured activities, Leisure activities, & Transportation.
Day Programs
Our Choice Human Services provides a welcoming environment where individuals in the community will choose to participate in structured classroom settings of their choosing or one on one activities. Our Choice Human Services strives to offer a variety of classes that our members can participate in, which will help in making our members as independent as possible. Our Choice Human Services Day Programs offers Medication Management, Behavior Management, Community Integration, Leisure Activities, & Transportation among many more.

Next Steps...
Let Our Choice be your first choice, we are happy to answer any questions you may have.